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Jordan P. Egert, CPA, CFE, CDFA®

Partner | Director - Divorce and Litigation Services

“当涉及到驾驭离婚和相关财务问题的情感过山车时, having someone you can trust can make all the difference. "

结合超过15年的会计专业经验, with most focused specifically on divorce financial planning, litigation/forensic accounting and tax advisory, Jordan P. Egert,注册会计师,CFE, CDFA®,以敏锐的眼光和同理心的方法为客户找到结果. 在这样做的过程中,他创造了内心的平静和一种真正的成就感 forensic accounting, divorce litigation, and tax advisory and planning engagements.

他是葡京会手机app下载律师事务所合伙人兼离婚和诉讼服务主管 & Mitchell (老葡京手机app), 与客户就各种争议事项合作,帮助他们实现财务目标和愿望-包括合作纠纷. 他解决实际问题的能力帮助客户制定和执行战略现金流计划, asset tracking and projections, lifestyle budgeting, tax and retirement projections, asset and liability division, spending analysis, asset identification, and alimony and child support. 他的经验还包括为个人提供税务规划和咨询,并协助了许多与房地产资产相关的债务税务事项的取消(由追索权和无追索权债务工具支持)。.

乔丹是一名注册会计师,同时也是一名注册离婚金融分析师 certified fraud examiner designations, which have led him to become a qualified expert witness for divorce and financial matters. 他的知识使他有资格以金融专家的身份出现在马里兰州和哥伦比亚特区的法庭上,涉及法务会计, divorce financial planning and tax matters, but Jordan assists clients in court matters wherever they need support.

乔丹以确保他的客户了解离婚和诉讼程序的每一步而自豪, 遵循他的口头禅,与客户的互动不应该只是数字和结论,而是要发展和拥抱一种专业关系. He often shares his expertise by speaking on divorce and financial-related topics 并担任北弗吉尼亚合作专业人员的财务主管.

他在户外寻找灵感,他经常在那里徒步旅行,骑自行车,跑步和徒步旅行. 乔丹是一名终身网球运动员,也是佛罗里达州最具竞争力的泡菜球运动员之一. 他还对老爷车情有独钟,他把大部分空闲时间都花在收集和转售自己设计的汽车上.

Professional Qualifications and Education

Professional Associations and Activities

Speaking Engagement:

Articles & Interviews:

Community Involvement:

  • Neighborhood Clean Up (Volunteer)
  • Rock Creek Park Observatory (Organizer)
  • Amity Club of Washington (Member)
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